Martco L.L.C. Announces Second Texas-Based Manufacturing Plant

Martco L.L.C. (“RoyOMartin”) announced that its Texas subsidiary, Corrigan OSB, L.L.C., will construct a second oriented strand board (“OSB”) manufacturing facility near its current, state-of-the-art OSB plant located in Corrigan, Texas on U.S. Highway 287 between Lufkin and Livingston. Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. is the wholly owned Texas subsidiary of Martco L.L.C., a wood-products manufacturing and timber-management company headquartered in Alexandria, La. Construction is scheduled to begin this year, with start-up anticipated in 2023. The new facility is expected to significantly increase production capacity at Corrigan, while focusing on existing and new value-added OSB products. The project will bring construction jobs to east Texas later this year and create additional, permanent jobs once completed.
With a population surge of more than 4 million residents in the past decade, more families and companies are relocating to the Lone Star state. The increase in home prices and rising costs of building materials, appliances, and labor in the past year indicate a severe shortage of OSB supply. Corrigan OSB is stepping up to meet this increased demand with the addition of the new facility.
A versatile structural wood panel, OSB is commonly used in the construction of residential and multifamily housing, as well as in a variety of other applications. OSB panel products at the new facility will be marketed under the RoyOMartin® brand. “We recognize the trend, and we believe most families want to eventually own their own home in America,” stated Chairman, CEO, and CFO Roy O. Martin III. “That’s why we are expanding – for the future.”
As the country and the world make their way out of an historic pandemic, home starts are on the rise, and a growing number of millennials and their families are entering the housing market. “With this new OSB plant, we will be well positioned to meet the backlog of demand for quality building products, produced from renewable, sustainable resources abundant in our region,” stated RoyOMartin President and COO, E. Scott Poole.
Since its start-up in 2018, Corrigan OSB, L.L.C.’s existing OSB facility has been a successful investment in the people, natural resources, and markets in Corrigan, as well as the entire East Texas region. “Our growth in East Texas has given us an influx of talent with a tremendous work ethic, a long-term, sustainable, raw-material base, and access to a growing and vibrant residential market,” explained Poole. “I could not be prouder to further expand our footprint in the great state of Texas,” Poole stated. “We remain steadfast in investing in our people, our forestland, quality manufacturing, and our growing customer base.”
About Martco L.L.C.
Based in Alexandria, Louisiana, Martco L.L.C. operates three wood-products manufacturing facilities, employing approximately 1,100: two oriented strand board plants, in Oakdale, Louisiana and Corrigan, Texas; and a plywood plant in Chopin, Louisiana; All of Martco L.L.C.’s wood products are available Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified, FSC® C022036. For more information, visit
Donna Bailey – Media Contact – – (800) 299-5174
Source: Martco, L.L.C.