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Find Companies

Looking for a way to prospect new business opportunities, learn more about current business partners and investigate potential trading partners? Check out Blue Book Services' dynamic search tools and individual company listings via our Find Companies search mechanism.

Blue Book Services’ database of over 23,000 lumber companies can be easily searched and segmented by members to develop sales and marketing campaigns. Commonly used search criteria include geographic regions (including country, state/province, radius from zip code), Blue Book Rating, business function (including mills, wholesalers, retail lumber yards, distribution yards, secondary manufacturers, importers and exporters), and products handled (including boards, cabinets, crates, doors, flooring, industrial products, millwork, moulding, OSB, pallets, panel products, plywood, and trusses).

You can try the Company Quick Find feature now by typing a company name in the field below, to search for companies that are currently listed in the Blue Book Services database. As you type, a drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to choose the company you need. Click on the company name and the following page will provide you with basic company details such as phone, fax, and toll free numbers, and social media links for the company.

The full search feature is available to all Blue Book Members. To find out more about membership, click here.

And, as always, we encourage you to contact us with any questions you have about the use of this feature, membership or Blue Book listings.

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Members can utilize our more robust search engine to mine prospects throughout the supply-chain.

The Value of Membership

Why Join Lumber Blue Book

As the leading provider of in-depth business and credit information on the domestic lumber & forest products industry, a membership with Blue Book Services gives you access to:

  • Ratings & Business Reports
  • Dynamic Search Tools
  • Real-Time Data

Learn MoreAbout The Benefits