Domtar Announces Second Worker Found at Windsor Mill

Domtar received confirmation from the Sûreté du Québec this morning of the tragic news regarding the second worker, Mr. Hugo Paré, who also lost his life following the collapse of a scaffolding on October 26 at approximately 1:35 a.m. at the company’s Windsor mill. This loss is in addition to Mr. Yan Baillargeon, who was found yesterday.
Our thoughts and sympathies go out to the families of Mr. Paré and Mr. Baillargeon and to the colleagues affected by this tragic accident.
This tragedy affects and saddens us all. We are focusing our efforts on supporting our colleagues and their families.
Domtar would like to thank all those who have worked tirelessly to assist.
Domtar will continue to cooperate and participate in the ongoing investigation by the Sûreté du Québec and the CNESST to determine the cause of the accident.
About Domtar
Domtar is a leading supplier of a wide range of fiber-based products, including communication, specialty and packaging papers, market pulp and air-laid nonwoven products. With nearly 6,400 employees serving customers in more than 50 countries, Domtar is driven by the desire to transform sustainable wood fiber into useful products that people can rely on every day. Domtar has annual sales of nearly $3.7 billion and its common stock is listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges. Domtar’s main administrative office is in Fort Mill, South Carolina. For more information, visit
Providence Cloutier – Communication Manager – – (819) 845-2771 ext. 85680
Source: Domtar Corporation