Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Announces Production Curtailments in Response to Supply Chain Challenges

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (“Canfor” or the “Company”) is announcing temporary NBSK and BCTMP production reductions at Northwood Pulp and Taylor Pulp in response to the significant transportation interruptions being experienced in British Columbia (“BC”).
The Company’s pulp shipments have declined as a result of the recent weather-related transportation disruptions. With pulp mill inventories nearing capacity, the Company’s pulp production will be reduced until such time as the BC transportation network is able to return to more-normal operating conditions. This will result in reduced production achieved through a minimum two-week curtailment of Canfor’s NBSK production at Northwood Pulp and a minimum four-week curtailment of the production of BCTMP at Taylor Pulp.
“As a result of the extreme rainfall and flooding that BC has been experiencing in recent weeks, the rail and highway networks have been substantially impacted. Our employees have worked very hard to mitigate the impacts of the supply chain challenges and it has now become critical to reduce production to manage inventory levels and ensure employee safety until the transportation network returns to more normal operations,” said Canfor Pulp’s Chief Executive Officer, Don Kayne.
Canfor Pulp is closely monitoring the supply chain challenges in BC and will continue to adjust operating plans to reflect current weather and transportation conditions over the coming weeks.
About Canfor Pulp Products Inc.
Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (“Canfor Pulp” or “CPPI”) is a leading global supplier of pulp and paper products with operations in the central interior of British Columbia (“BC”) employing approximately 1,300 people throughout the organization. Canfor Pulp owns and operates three mills in Prince George, BC with a total capacity of 1.1 million tonnes of Premium Reinforcing Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (“NBSK”) Pulp and 140,000 tonnes of kraft paper, as well as one mill in Taylor, BC with an annual production capacity of 230,000 tonnes of Bleached Chemi-Thermo Mechanical Pulp (“BCTMP”). Canfor Pulp is one of the largest North American and global producers of market northern softwood kraft pulp. CPPI shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol CFX. For more information visit
Pat Elliott – Vice President Corporate Finance & Strategy – – (604) 661-5441
Source: Canfor Pulp Products Inc.