Canada’s Forest Sector Applauds Federal Action on Universal Access to High-Speed Internet

Last week, the federal government announced new rules which will govern the upcoming 3800 MHz spectrum auction, a move that will increase both the speed and availability of mobile and internet service across Canada.
Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) applauds this decision which will provide remote and northern communities with essential wireless services.
In response to the announcement, FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor issued the following statement:
“The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the way in which many of us work and live. It has also reminded us of the need for reliable digital networks to keep us connected to our family, friends, and jobs. In 2022, reliable wireless service is essential to life.
For forestry communities, it is essential to their economic future and the safety of residents and critical infrastructure.
Canada’s forestry workers and their families touch more than 600 communities across the country – most of which are in rural and northern parts. Canadians rely on us to produce a range of in-demand goods like wood for building construction, masks and gowns for the health care sector, packaging for food, and hygiene products like tissue and toilet paper. In the face of worsening geo-political uncertainty and challenged global supply chains, it has never been more valuable to be able to deliver for ourselves – by using Canadian grown and made products to provide for Canadians.
In our business, reliable internet access or cell coverage is an imperative that allows us to use basic technology to efficiently streamline operations, attract new workers and their families, keep people and operations safer in the face of worsening wildland fire patterns, and meet customer demands.
With its announcement on Friday, the government has signaled its intent to ensure that all Canadians have reliable access to high-speed internet. The future of our northern and rural communities and their ability to attract people, investment, and grow depends on it.”
About Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. As an Industry with annual revenues exceeding $75B, Canada’s forest products sector is one of the country’s largest employers operating in over 600 communities, providing 225,000 direct jobs, and over 600,000 indirect jobs across the country.
Source: Forest Products Association of Canada