ABMA Members Lobby in Washington

On March 24th, over 60 ABMA members and staff* met with their federal representatives and senators in Washington DC. It was a jam-packed, two-day event filled with fun, networking, and education.

The event started on the 22 with a briefing session. Attendees reviewed logistics for the Day on the Hill including what to expect in the meetings. They were provided with Congressional Bios for each member they were meeting with along with which issues they should discuss and talking points for each. Staff also reviewed all of ABMA’s priorities, so members were well versed for their meetings. The day concluded with a cocktail hour and networking dinner at the Lincoln Restaurant sponsored by Acadia Insurance and Eastern Insurance.
“The issue briefing was vital to our success in our meetings,” said ABMA Vice Chair, Ida Ross Hicks. “Even though we had talking points and information ahead of time, being able to ask questions and review all of the issues in person with staff were invaluable.”
ABMA’s Day on the Hill started with everyone gathering on the steps of the US Capitol for a group photo. Members then went on their way to their meetings for the day. ABMA members had meetings with about 50 Congressional Representatives and Senators.
“Feedback from members was that the meetings went well, and there was positive reception from members of Congress and their staff” said Joe Cecarelli, ABMA Chair. “These meetings are an invaluable grassroots tool because members of Congress want to hear how legislation will impact residents of their districts. We are confident ABMA gained some support for our priority issues, and we look forward to continuing the conversation in the coming weeks and months.”
*2 members from Alabama, 3 members from Connecticut, 8 members from Maine, 1 member from Maryland, 10 members from Massachusetts, 6 members from New Hampshire, 5 members from New Jersey, 19 members from New York, 5 members from Pennsylvania, 3 members from Rhode Island, and one member from Vermont.
About the American Building Materials Alliance
ABMA, established in August 2021, is a committee of unified voices advocating on behalf of the lumber and building materials (LBM) industry at the federal level. ABMA currently represents LBM dealers and associated businesses in Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. The mission of the ABMA is to advance, shape, and influence policy in all branches of government. We work directly with members of Congress, the White House, and federal agencies to impact the legislative and regulatory process as it affects the LBM industry. ABMA is powered by the NRLA and Construction Suppliers Association (CSA).
Source: American Building Materials Alliance