Kamps, Inc. Receives Silver Sustainability Rating from EcoVadis

Kamps, Inc., one of the nation’s largest pallet companies, is pleased to announce that it has received a silver medal from EcoVadis, the world’s most trusted business sustainability rating platform. By being an EcoVadis partner, Kamps is able to manage its Corporate Social risk and compliance, and meet corporate sustainability goals. The Silver Rating puts Kamps in the 84th percentile of companies rated by EcoVadis. When looking at the specific categories, Kamps outperforms companies rated by EcoVadis in the pallet industry in Environment, Labor & Human Rights, and Ethics.

“Kamps’ EcoVadis rating is a significant step in our sustainability initiatives,” said Fuad Hasanovic, a member of Kamps’ internal Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. “It is a stamp of approval from the most trusted business sustainability rating platform and signals to our stakeholders that we are the pallet partner of choice for their own sustainable supply chains. We will also work diligently to improve our rating and look forward to improved results in the coming years”.
EcoVadis is a globally recognized assessment platform that rates businesses’ sustainability based on four key categories: environmental impact, labor, and. human rights standards, ethics, and procurement practices. Hundreds of thousands of companies partner with EcoVadis to collaborate on sustainability with a common platform, universal scorecard, benchmarks and performance improvement tools. In fact, as of 2023, EcoVadis has screened over 1.6 million companies. This includes companies such as: Nestle, Saint-Gobain, Cascades, L’Oreal, and Coca Cola.
In order to achieve the Silver EcoVadis rating, Kamps participated in an extensive questionnaire and documentation process regarding its pallet recycling and pallet manufacturing operations. This process was then analyzed by EcoVadis experts. The EcoVadis methodology for assessing a company’s sustainability management systems is based on international standards such as the Global Reporting Index (GRI), ISO 26000 and the guiding principles of the Global Compact.
About Kamps, Inc.
Kamps, Inc. is a full-service national pallet company delivering innovative pallet services to customers since 1973. Kamps specializes in supplying high quality wooden pallets, comprehensive pallet recycling services, and total pallet management services to diverse supply chains across the nation. With over 400 locations in its pallet network, and 63 asset-based locations, Kamps is the national leader in customer-centric pallet solutions.
To learn more about Kamps, visit: https://www.kampspallets.com.
Andrew Bedsole – Marketing & Communications Specialist – andrew.bedsole@kampspallets.com – (734) 276-0826
Source: Kamps, Inc.