Nation’s Best Holdings, LLC Launches Scholarship Program

Nation’s Best Holdings, LLC, in partnership with their philanthropic arm, NB Cares, proudly launched their NB Cares Scholarship Program. This initiative is dedicated to investing in and encouraging the educational pursuits of local students who are pursuing careers in trade and construction.
Nation’s Best, in collaboration with NB Cares, will be granting scholarships within the communities their stores serve nationwide. The objective is to present at least one scholarship through each of the Nation’s Best stores across the country.

This newly launched program signifies a continued commitment to community outreach efforts by Nation’s Best Holdings, LLC. This dedication traces back to their initial partnership with the non-profit organization Arrivederci ALD in 2021. Since then, Nation’s Best, supported by the NB Cares foundation, has contributed over $500,000 towards the pursuit of a cure for Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare genetic condition that poses severe health risks. Moreover, through NB Cares, Nation’s Best extended their philanthropic reach by donating an additional $250,000 to various local charities within the communities they serve. None of these substantial contributions would have been achievable without the generous support from vendor partnerships.
In addition to introducing the NB Cares Scholarship Program and their ongoing support for local charities and Arrivederci ALD, Nation’s Best has initiated hardship programs for their employees who have encountered personal challenges within their communities. This support extends to those affected by wildfires, floods, hurricanes, house fires, tornadoes, and more.
As the new year unfolds, Nation’s Best remains steadfast in their commitment to effecting positive change in their fight against ALD and in enriching the lives of the communities they serve. For more information about the NB Cares Scholarship Program contact
About Nation’s Best
Nation’s Best Holdings, LLC was founded in 2019 and currently owns and operates 51 locations in 15 states with over 1,215 associates. Nation’s Best is committed to identifying and acquiring best-in-class independent home improvement stores across the United States to ensure their continued relevance as vibrant community resources. To learn more, visit
Amber Little – Chief Human Resources Officer – – (214) 519-4994
Source: Nation’s Best Holdings, LLC