Short & Paulk Names Chris Graddy President
Short and Paulk Supply Company announced that Chris Graddy has been promoted to Company President. Graddy joined the Short & Paulk team in 2005 at the Sylvester location. He worked his way through the company to his most recent position as Chief Operations Officer, where he directed the company’s Sales and Operations. As COO, Graddy also played an instrumental role in building Short & Paulk’s current leadership team.
According to Company CEO Jay Short, “Short & Paulk has experienced unparalleled growth over the past few years. We now operate six locations and ship materials in three states. Since starting with us in 2005, Chris has worked in every single phase of our business. He is dedicated, hardworking, and takes ownership of everything he touches. Chris has the experience and the drive to lead our team into the future.” Chris Graddy, his wife Amy, and children Marlie and Clark, live in Sumner, GA.
Short & Paulk is family owned, with third generation family member J.P. Short V serving as CEO. Short & Paulk was founded in 1941 by J.P. Short III and H.M. Paulk in an old warehouse along the railroad tracks on South Main Street in Tifton, GA. The original phone number was 97. Short & Paulk always sold building materials, but in the early days was also heavily involved in the agricultural supply business selling tractors, farm implements, feeds, seeds and fertilizers. Short & Paulk was also a distributor for Diamond-T trucks. Short & Paulk currently operates 6 Lumberyards – Home Centers in Tifton, Sylvester, Albany, Dawson, Cuthbert, Thomasville, and a door manufacturing plant in Tifton. Employing over 90 full and part-time employees, Short & Paulk ships building products to jobsites throughout South Georgia, North Florida, and Southeast Alabama.
Source: Short and Paulk Supply Company