Our web-based business tool, Blue Book Online Services (BBOS), allows Members to access in-depth information on over 23,000 lumber mills, wholesalers, secondary manufacturers, importers, exporters and lumber yards.
BBOS Listings provide you the information you need about a company when you are considering them as a trading partner, including:
- Company name, address, phone, fax, email and web site
- Business Classification
- Products, Species and Services handled
- Key personnel names, titles and emails
- Branch locations if applicable
- Annual volume and/or number of employees if available
- Blue Book Score, Rating and/or Pay Indicator if applicable

Sample Blue Book Listing - Company Details

Sample Blue Book Listing - Company Profile
Company listings can be searched online by business name and all company listing elements (i.e. product, species, business function, rating, etc.), allowing a member to prospect trading partners by specific search criteria.
In-depth profile data licensed from Madison’s Lumber Reporter is available on over 1,400 Canadian sawmills and lumber companies.
Start the process and become listed with Blue Book Services. For more information about membership, we encourage you to contact us by phone or online.