Announcement of the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on the Fifth Exclusion and Extension List of Products Imposing Tariffs on the United States and CanadaSeptember 16, 2021, Government Press Release
Madison’s Reporter: Supply-Demand Balance Achieved as Lumber Prices Seem to Hit BottomSeptember 01, 2021, By Keta Kosman
Madison’s Reporter: Some Lumber Prices Rise Again While Others Drop SlightlyAugust 25, 2021, By Keta Kosman
Madison’s Lumber Reporter: Lumber Demand Increases as Prices Fall FurtherJuly 07, 2021, By Keta Kosman
Statement by the BC Lumber Trade Council on U.S. Department of Commerce’s Second Administrative Review Preliminary Rate DecisionMay 21, 2021, Company Press Release